Loon Stories

Loon Stories: Through the Lens of the Lake Fairlee LoonCam
Whether you are a loon fanatic or are just curious about this interesting summer visitor, join us for this free program!
Eric Hanson, a loon biologist, will present his talk, “The Common Loon: Stories About a Loon’s Life and Their Conservation”. Eric has lead the Vermont Loon Conservation Project for over 25 years, a program of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (VCE) and the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.
Eric will discuss the amazing recovery of loons in Vermont over the past 30 years, the threats that they face, and the conservation actions that have brought them back. He’ll also narrate a 24-minute video compilation of highlights from the 2024 season showing seldom-seen loon behavior and exploring their fascinating natural history, from territorial takeovers to visual and verbal communication.
Local residents Sean Brown and Doug Tifft will briefly share an overview of the Lake Fairlee loon nesting raft and the second year of the Lake Fairlee LoonCam and its worldwide audience. Sean will give an insider’s view of setting up and running the first and only loon camera in Vermont and his plans for the future. Fairlee resident Doug Tifft, who stewards the loon nesting raft at the northern end of Lake Fairlee, will summarize the successful ninth season which resulted in yet another loon chick.
There will be refreshments and plenty of time for questions afterwards. This event is hosted by Latham Library and sponsored by the Lake Fairlee Association and the Vermont Center for EcoStudies.