Q&A on Recycling, Composting, and Solid Waste

Ask questions and get answers on recycling, composting, and solid waste from Ham Gillett of the Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District. Together we’ll demystify recycling and give updates on Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law. Questions can be submitted in advance or asked during the presentation! Sign up and submit questions in advance by emailing librarian@thetfordlibrary.org
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Ham Gillett is the VT Act 148 Outreach Coordinator for two solid waste districts. He has more than 15 years of experience in solid waste and recycling, and is a certified VT Master Composter. Thirty years ago, he helped start a small solid waste/recycling company when Woodstock first mandated recycling. He was responsible for educating residents and businesses in several surrounding communities about recycling basics. More recently, Ham has sorted through trash on the National Mall, rotting restaurant food waste in the South Bronx, and chased a trash truck through multiple red lights in downtown Hartford, CT. He has spoken to numerous schools, businesses, and civic organizations about solid waste, recycling, hazardous waste, and composting issues.
This event is co-sponsored by the Thetford Transfer Station and the Thetford Libraries.