Latham Library and the Thetford Elder Network invite you to the lower level Community Room for a free Senior Movie Morning.
Large screen presentation, warm and well-ventilated room. Meet some neighbors to enjoy a good movie, to chat and to laugh! No registration, just come!
This month’s title: My Fair Lady
Need a ride? TEN may be able to help! Call (802-785-4361) or email librarian@thetfordlibrary.org and we’ll put you in touch.
Stories and crafts for kids in grades 1-4. Snack is served. The program runs every Wednesday that Thetford Elementary is in session for a full day, unless noted.
Email librarian@thetfordlibrary.org by the end of day on the Tuesday before each week’s program to sign up.

Loon Stories: Through the Lens of the Lake Fairlee LoonCam
Whether you are a loon fanatic or are just curious about this interesting summer visitor, join us for this free program!
Eric Hanson, a loon biologist, will present his talk, “The Common Loon: Stories About a Loon’s Life and Their Conservation”. Eric has lead the Vermont Loon Conservation Project for over 25 years, a program of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (VCE) and the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department.
Eric will discuss the amazing recovery of loons in Vermont over the past 30 years, the threats that they face, and the conservation actions that have brought them back. He’ll also narrate a 24-minute video compilation of highlights from the 2024 season showing seldom-seen loon behavior and exploring their fascinating natural history, from territorial takeovers to visual and verbal communication.
Local residents Sean Brown and Doug Tifft will briefly share an overview of the Lake Fairlee loon nesting raft and the second year of the Lake Fairlee LoonCam and its worldwide audience. Sean will give an insider’s view of setting up and running the first and only loon camera in Vermont and his plans for the future. Fairlee resident Doug Tifft, who stewards the loon nesting raft at the northern end of Lake Fairlee, will summarize the successful ninth season which resulted in yet another loon chick.
There will be refreshments and plenty of time for questions afterwards. This event is hosted by Latham Library and sponsored by the Lake Fairlee Association and the Vermont Center for EcoStudies.

Come play one of our board games or bring your own! All ages are welcome. Pizza will be served. If you would like pizza, please RSVP by 3:00 pm on the day of the event to librarian@thetfordlibrary.org
Stories, songs and silliness for preschoolers, but all ages are welcome!

We will be discussing A Memoir Of My Former Self by Hilary Mantel
In addition to her celebrated career as a novelist, Hilary Mantel contributed for years to newspapers and journals, unspooling stories from her own life and illuminating the world as she found it. “Ink is a generative fluid,” she explains. “If you don’t mean your words to breed consequences, don’t write at all.”
A Memoir of My Former Self collects the finest of this writing over four decades. From her unusual childhood to her all-consuming interest in Thomas Cromwell that grew into the Wolf Hall trilogy, A Memoir of My Former Self reveals the shape of Hilary Mantel’s life in her own luminous words, through “messages from people I used to be.” Filled with her singular wit and wisdom, it is essential reading from one of our greatest writers.
The book may be obtained from your local library, via interlibrary loan, possibly as an audio or e-book via ListenUp Vermont or in New Hampshire, New Hampshire Downloadable Books. Users need only get a barcode number from their local library to use the services. Or you can obtain the book from your favorite local bookseller, or via www.bookfinder.com, the aggregator site for booksellers both large and small from all over the world, and for books both new and secondhand.
All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you.
-E D M Landman MD
Stories and crafts for kids in grades 1-4. Snack is served. The program runs every Wednesday that Thetford Elementary is in session for a full day, unless noted.
Email librarian@thetfordlibrary.org by the end of day on the Tuesday before each week’s program to sign up.