Stories of Adventure with Tim Jennings @ Peabody Library
Jul 31 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Stories of Adventure with Tim Jennings @ Peabody Library

Tim Jennings performs traditional old-time folk storytelling, has won many awards, and will be visiting the Peabody Library to tell tales of adventure!

“Tim Jennings is recognized in Vermont and internationally as one of today’s most compelling interpreters of ageless oral folktales, especially the kind sometimes called fairy tales. Reviewers have called him ‘mesmerizing,’ ‘rollicking,”charming,’ and ‘irresistible.'”

—Theater Engine

This event is part of the “Adventure Begins at Your Library” summer reading program, and is partially sponsored by a grant from the Vermont Department of Libraries.. Best for ages 5 and up.

Beach Storytime at Treasure Island @ Treasure Island Beach on Lake Fairlee
Aug 6 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Beach Storytime at Treasure Island @ Treasure Island Beach on Lake Fairlee

Tuesdays at noon July 2 – August 13, weather permitting. All ages welcome! Meet at the gazebo by the lake.

Adventure Book Club @ Peabody Library
Aug 7 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Adventure Book Club @ Peabody Library

Open to all kids entering grades 4-8. Please register by emailing librarian@thetfordlibrary.org to sign up and receive copies of the books. Refreshments will be served!

Chess with Mr. Moore @ Peabody Library
Aug 8 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Chess with Mr. Moore @ Peabody Library

Drop-in chess club at Peabody Library, all ages welcome!

Mr. Moore is an experienced math teacher and children’s bookseller who has played chess with kids as young as 4 (adults are welcome to play too). Beginners come and learn, experienced players join a game, there’s fun for all.

For extra fun, Mr. Moore also has math games for kids of all ages.

Beach Storytime at Treasure Island @ Treasure Island Beach on Lake Fairlee
Aug 13 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Beach Storytime at Treasure Island @ Treasure Island Beach on Lake Fairlee

Tuesdays at noon July 2 – August 13, weather permitting. All ages welcome! Meet at the gazebo by the lake.

Treasure Island: A History @ Peabody Library
Aug 14 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Treasure Island: A History @ Peabody Library

If you’ve spent a summer in Thetford, chances are you have fond memories of days spent at the beautiful Treasure Island beach.

Perhaps you learned to swim there?

Or perhaps you’ve wondered how Thetford came to own a park located in West Fairlee?

Come enjoy some light refreshments and learn about the history of this gem of a park. Wanda Vaughn’s timeline of park history will be presented, which she researched and shared with town record keepers in 2016. Jane Chambers will share photographs and video of her parents, Don and El Wilson, who lived in the caretaker’s cottage and oversaw operations for many years.

This free event is proudly sponsored by the Peabody Library and the Treasure Island Committee. All ages welcome.

Comics Workshop with Marek Bennett @ Latham Library
Aug 15 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Comics Workshop with Marek Bennett @ Latham Library

NH-based cartoonist, musician, and educator Marek Bennett leads discovery-based Comics Workshops for all ages throughout New England and the world beyond!  His comics work includes the graphic novel series, The Civil War Diary of Freeman Colby, as well as drawing, translating, & editing for The Most Costly Journey (2021) with the bilingual El Viaje Project. In September 2022, both books were featured at the National Book Festival in Washington DC.

Marek is the recipient of the 2021 New Hampshire Governor’s Arts Award for Art Education.

Please register by emailing librarian@thetfordlibrary.org so we have enough supplies on hand.

Best for ages 9 and up. This event is part of the “Adventure Begins at Your Library” summer reading program.

Senior Movie Morning @ Latham Library
Aug 20 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Senior Movie Morning @ Latham Library

Latham Library and the Thetford Elder Network invite you to the lower level Community Room for a free Senior Movie Morning.

Large screen presentation, warm and well-ventilated room. Meet some neighbors to enjoy a good movie, to chat and to laugh! No registration, just come!

This month’s title: A Passage to India

Need a ride? TEN may be able to help! Call (802-785-4361) or email librarian@thetfordlibrary.org and we’ll put you in touch.

Penny Carnival @ Peabody Library
Aug 23 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Penny Carnival @ Peabody Library

Games, prizes, food, and music. All carnival games and treats cost one penny each! There will also be oldest and ugliest penny contests, a raffle for prizes, and a children’s book sale. Bring your pennies!

Adventure Begins at Your Library Finale Party @ Latham Library
Aug 24 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Adventure Begins at Your Library Finale Party @ Latham Library

If you have been participating in this year’s summer reading program please hand in your reading logs to Latham Library by the end of the day on Monday, August 19. Children who hand in a reading log with at least five books filled out will receive a certificate and prize at our Adventure Begins at Your Library Finale Party. Location: outside in the Latham Library back yard (rain location: Latham Library Community Room). If you can’t make it to the party, stop into the Library to pick up your prize anytime we are open, or you can arrange for curbside pickup.