EC Fiber meeting
Fiber-optic Internet service is coming to Thetford this summer. Residents
along Route 113, Tucker Hill Rd and Route 132 toward Strafford) will be
able to subscribe to EC Fiber. In addition, EC Fiber will further extend
the construction of fiber-optic service along Route 113 to Academy Road,
continuing down Academy Road to Union Village. Residents on roads off of
these routes are meeting to discuss how to get EC Fiber on their road.
There will be a meeting on June 13th at 7 PM at the Latham Library where
our local EC Fiber representatives, Fred Thomas, Marty Blumberg and Irv
Thomae can tell all of us more about EC Fiber. People from Houghton Hill
road will be there to find out how the EC cable can be built on Houghton
Hill Road. The information presented will apply to any road off of the
route above.
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