New Books for Children and Teens at Latham Library, January 2020
Picture Books
What Riley Wore / Elana K. Arnold
River / Elisha Cooper
Here and Now / Julia Denos
Birdsong / Julie Flett
Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty brown Mouse / Jane Godwin
The Perfect Seat / Minh Le
Small in the City / Sidney Smith
Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market! / Raul the Third
Greta and the Giants: inspired by Greta Thunberg’s stand to save the world / Zoe Tucker
You Are Home: an ode to the National Parks / Evan Turk
Children’s Fiction
This Was Our Pact / Ryan Andrews (graphic novel)
Disaster Days / Rebecca Behrens
Storm Blown / Nick Courage
I Can Make This promise / Christine Day
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise / Dan Gemeinhart
Allies / Alan Gratz
Pie in the Sky / Remy Lai
Dear Sweet Pea / Julie Murphy
Free Lunch / Rex Ogle
Wildfire / Rodman Philbrick
The Miraculous / Jess Redman
Look Both Ways: a tale told in ten blocks / Jason Reynolds
Changeling / William Ritter
Pay Attention, Carter Jones / Gary D. Schmidt
Roll With It / Jaime Sumner
Children’s Nonfiction
See Inside Ancient Rome / Katie Daynes
Bald Eagle Magic for Kids / Charlene Gieck
For Teens
Fever Year: the killer flu of 1918 / Don Brown (graphic novel)
The Last True Poets of the Sea / Julia Drake
ordinary Hazards: a memoir / Nikki Grimes
Sick Kids in Love / Hannah Moskowitz
Harley Quinn: breaking glass / Mariko Tamaki (grphic novel)