Latham Seed Saving Library
The Latham Seed Saving Library was launched in the fall of 2020, so this is our first growing season! That means that we don’t yet have a large selection of seeds to share. Over the coming years, with help from you and others, we will be able to build our library’s stock and diversity. If you are successful in your gardening and seed saving and can return seeds to the library to pass on to future gardeners, you will be helping us to fulfill our goal of building a growing, thriving community seed library. For more info visit the Seed Library page on this website.
Available Seeds Spring 2021 (all grown in Thetford):
Anise Hyssop
Bean-“Kentucky Wonder” Pole
Bean-“Norma” Pole
Black-eyed Susan
Decorative Corn
Gerber Daisy
Foxtail Millet
You may request one packet of each type of seed by emailing . We are currently using curbside service out of the box on the front porch of Latham Library for seed pickup.