Nonfiction Book Discussion Group
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October 25, 2022 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
online via Zoom

The next meeting of Thetford’s informal nonfiction book discussion group will take place at Latham Library on Thetford Hill on Tuesday October 25th at 12 NOON on Zoom. For the Zoom link, please contact librarian@
We will be discussing The Man Who Listens To Horses by Monty Roberts, the original Horse Whisperer on whom the book and movie were based.
When Monty Roberts was thirteen years old he went off on his own to the deserts of Nevada to watch mustangs in the wild. What he learned about their methods of communication changed his life forever.
The Man Who Listens to Horses reveals his deep love and understanding of horses. We learn how, through his relationship with various horses, he gradually developed the methods which enabled him to communicate in their own language: a silent language of gestures like signing for the deaf.
According to Monty, anyone can learn the language of the horse and anyone can learn his Join-Up(R) methods. In this book he tells you how. This is the bestselling autobiography that spread Monty Roberts’ message across the world and changed his life forever.
The book may be obtained from your local library, via interlibrary loan, possibly as an audio or e-book via ListenUp Vermont or in New Hampshire, New Hampshire Downloadable Books. Users need only get a barcode number from their local library to use the services. Or you can obtain the book from your favorite local bookseller, or via, the aggregator site for booksellers both large and small from all over the world, and for books both new and secondhand.
All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you.